Tuesday, December 25, 2007
LULU online bookstore links to The Future / Budućnost
The Future and Why We are Afraid 5 short stories, 3 translators & 3 artists. Kenton deAngeli's first book translated into Serbian by Serbian/US translators & artists. This superbly written prose is for lovers of modern short story. Urban life, death, love, intimacy, fears, addictions, friendships, weddings, dueling, wounds, pain and pregnancies of ordinary people. Descriptively cryptic fragments of their lives will get you close to characters that might be us, but also might be magicians, zombies, and even video game heroes.
Buducnost i zasto se bojimo 5 kratkih prica, 3 prevodioca i 3 umetnika. Prva knjiga Kentona Deandjelija prevedena na srpski, sa ilustracijama. Sjajna knjiga za ljubitelje kratke price. Urbani zivot, smrt, ljubav, intima, strahovi, adikcije, prijateljstvo, svadba, dvoboj, rane obicnih ljudi. Prateci fragmente zivota date na otvoreno diskretan nacin zavolecete neke od likova koji su kao mi, a istovremeno mogu biti carobnjaci, zombiji, pa i heroji video igre.
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